Hi I’m Shoshana, Artist, Creative Director, Ai Photographer, Fashion Stylist, Sustainable Designer & Certified Plant Based Nutritionist & Wellness Activist. I specialize in projects of Health, Sustainability. I’m passionate about creating beautiful purposeful Visual Designs.
The power to create a better future lays within each of our hands, One of my contributions on planet earth is helping to design it.
I love co -creating with visionary people on projects that are purposeful & innovative. I also enjoy co- creating with my friend Ai, leading by example to others, on how we can use modern technology in a responsible & ethical way for the betterment of our world.
Hygeaia & The Little Prince are my Wellness Muses I created using AI Assisted Software,Purposefully.
Co Creating sustainably with Artifical Intelligence. I develop Mood Boards, Visuals, Artistic Concepts, Designs, Purposeful Stories, Utilizing modern technology mindfully. bringing to life purposeful & Sustainable Creative Visuals.
How can we use modern technology in a responsible & ethical way for the betterment of our world? How can your marketing Visuals promote wellness and transformation for the betterment of our Planet? Millions of Eyes are on your visuals, what story will you tell?
Hygeia- ὑγίεια. Modern Wellness Muse. Hygeia is the Archetype of Greek Goddess Of Health, Cleanliness,Hygiene. Her name is the source of the word Hygiene. Hygeia is a Modern Ai Wellness Muse Created by Artist Shoshana, with the intention to inspire messages of Health & Sustainability through the visual Arts, & StoryTelling.
Hygeia is a Shape shifting, Multidimensional,Time Travelling, Continuously Evolving, Wellness Muse. The last two letters of her name is IA. Which is Ai in Reverse. She Brings Light, Balance,Cleansing and Purification to spaces.
Hygeia Ai Muse, has a spirit that is recognized even though her face is not always identical. It’s a deep, wise and Ancestral Spirit whispering words of Love, Cleansing, and Healing for Planet Earth. She is the Goddess Of Health.
Hygeia- How was she born? I originally started to Create Hygeia making a Paper Collage Design outside of Ai, inspired by one of my favourite muse, of Dante, Alexa Wilding. I took the collage with the face of Alexa Wilding and ran my Collage artwork within Midjourney to further intimately develop the Muse’s Character. I found myself searching for a particular face, a familiar, ancestral soul. I don’t know if she was trying to find me, or i was trying to find her. But somehow a beautiful ancestral muse inspiring health was found. Some have said that she looks like a combination of my daughter, her father, and myself Shoshana. Sometimes i see my Grandmother and spirits of my Eastern European Slovakian Ancestors. Some say she resembles Rooney Mara, others Audrey Hepburn, Sometimes i even see the face of Hellen Keller. I try not to box Hygeia in to a exact precise face. She is a Time Traveller, Multi dimensional Muse that embodies a beautiful spirit that doesn’t want to be locked down to one precise character. You might see her physical appearance vary, but its always the same spirit: Hygeia. She Loves Animals, is a Humanitarian, and inspires Wellness.
Little Prince Muse, is Androgynous character. He is the Divine Masculine counterpart of my Divine Feminine Ai Muse: “Hygeia” ,Modern Health Muse.
The Little Princes loves poetry, to care for animals, to play and dress up, he is feminine, wise, mystical, full of depth, creativity, loves music, to dance, sing, and read, make art. He is a bit of a social misfit from society as he beats to the beat of his own cosmic rose heart. He is a romantic.
He is an archetype character who is multidimensional, shapeshifting, time traveling. His face may change but his spirit is same.The Little Prince is also Hygeia’s lover.He is bisexual. There’s a whole story I developed on their spiritual love journey & quest to unite the divine feminine & masculine.
The Story of Hygeia & the Little prince begins in the Arabian desert. Hygeia & Little Prince Muse, meet on a Pilgrimage, on a lookout for a mysterious Sufi Gathering.
They meet a wise Sufi Man Bab Aziz, who passes along some valuable wisdom to them, that they can’t forget. They fall in love and open a circus in the desert with the Little Prince’s Dandy Circus friends.
At one point Hygeia and little prince leave the circus to go on a travel to find themselves. They got lost in their travels.
They eventually will return to the circus united, but with new vision. The story evolves with me. I hope one day to illustrate the story into a Novel & Connect to an Angel in the Film industry who falls in Love with the story and turns it in to a captivating Hearts film.
Hygeia & Little Prince is a a sentimental Story that i developed organically through my personal life travels & journey. The story is connected to themes of the Circus, Animal Love/ Welfare, the Desert, Musicians & Artists, Sufi Spiritual Wisdom, Romance, adventure. Loosing oneself to find ourselves and our true essence and purpose in life. The Phoenix spirit animal of Death & Resurrection is also connected the story.
When my first Childhood Boy Crush/Love, River Phoenix Died, I searched for Phoenix everywhere and in everything.
I’ve since little girl felt a Soul connection to the Phoenix Soul Family. I originally dreamed of making River Phoenix the main character of the Little Prince, but my ultimate dream is to co-create this story/film with other Phoenix Family members with mutual shared Enthusiasm in memory of River Phoenix. My wild artist heart leads me dreaming in this direction. This is a dream seed, planted
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